Law firm and former partner battle over $11M referral fee
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
The Lone Star Brewery's owner has avoided foreclosure by refinancing its debt, putting a stop to the financial chaos that has engulfed the brewery since a $ 300 million plan to redevelop it fell through last summer. less The Lone Star Brewery's owner has avoided foreclosure by refinancing its debt, putting a stop to the […]
Three California residents have been sentenced for stealing about $ 11 million from homeowners facing foreclosure by pretending to be a government program or nonprofit offering financial help. The Orange County Register reports a federal jury in Virginia convicted the trio earlier this year of mail fraud, wire fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud. Foreclosure […]
Henry David Thoreau, historical advocate of simple living and author of Walden, wrote that wealth is the ability to fully experience life. But for some, people wealth is something less abstract and more tangible. Celebrity real estate deals often demonstrate this point. Recently, Judge Judy joined the ranks of celebrities making over-the-top real estate deals. […]