Dissenting judge says 9th Circuit took habeas dysfunction to new level with ‘hypothetical dicta’
ABA Journal Daily News
Afternoon Briefs: Lawyer accused of deducting kickbacks; Greenland purchase was exam hypothetical
ABA Journal Daily News
Live blog of confirmation hearings, Day 2: Kavanaugh answers ‘Purple Party’ president hypothetical
ABA Journal Daily News
Judge rejects Harvey Weinstein’s dinner-and a-movie hypothetical, allows civil sex-trafficking suit
ABA Journal Daily News
Law students complain about prof’s use of racial slur in hypothetical involving white supremacist
ABA Journal Daily News
What’s the strangest hypothetical you’ve ever had on a law exam?
ABA Journal Daily News
Kardashian hypothetical is raised in SCOTUS arguments on intent needed for bank fraud violation
ABA Journal Daily News
‘Strange hypothetical conversation’ in filing inspires 5th Circuit ruling: ‘That’s silly.’
Apparently hoping to tell a story that a federal appeals court would find compelling, a Texas lawyer opened his motion for a panel rehearing… ABA Journal Daily News