Law firm’s four-day workweek increased morale and productivity, managing partner says
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
The always-popular ABA Techshow closing session, 60 in 60, has taken on several iterations over the years: websites (“60 Sites in 60 Minutes”), general tech tips (“60 Tips in 60 Minutes”) and a hodgepodge of things (“60 Tips, Tricks, Gizmos, Gadgets and Sites in 60 Minutes”). ABA Journal Daily News
Bottom Right Default State Name: Delaware State Name underscore: Delaware State Name dash: Delaware State Name lower underscore: delaware State Name lower dash: delaware State Name lower: delaware State Abbreviation: DE State Abbreviation Lower: de It is a continuously updated stream of news from around the web Visit throughout the day for the latest breaking […]
ABA Journal Daily News
Stand-up desks increased productivity by 46 percent for call-center workers studied over a six month period. The study of 167 workers by Texas A&M measured… ABA Journal Daily News
An app that takes dictation. A talking doll that’s a goldmine for cyberhackers. A service that preserves social media posts for posterity (or more likely,… ABA Journal Daily News