Afternoon Briefs: Justice for bilked law firms; conviction upheld for driving lawn mower while drunk
ABA Journal Daily News
ABA Journal Daily News
In 2006, Malcolm Gladwell published a story in The New Yorker called ” Million Dollar Murray. ” It profiled Murray Barr, an affable, mostly-toothless homeless man who had cost the city of Reno hundreds of thousands of dollars over the ten years he'd lived on the streets, in hospital bills, substance-abuse treatment costs, ambulance transportation, […]
ABA Journal Daily News
While everyone knows the Tin Man from the ‘Wizard of Oz’ needed a heart, many will be surprised to learn that the Tin Man from Upstate New York needs a drunk driving lawyer. Unfortunately, information regarding the Tin Man’s recent arrest is scant, so the upstate Tin Man may have already had a lawyer all […]