Pop goddess Madonna is struggling with her former husband, filmmaker Guy Ritchie, over the custody of their son Rocco, according to Us Weekly. The mother of 3, who lost her own mother at an early age, is allegedly very upset about the fact that her son has remained in London with his father despite court orders to return to New York.
She reportedly plans to continue to take legal action to get him back but neither Madonna’s nor Ritchie’s representatives would comment on the family feud to reporters. It is also not clear from media reports just how long Rocco has been gone. But what is claimed is that he stayed with his dad in London over the holidays when he was supposed to be in the United States with his mother, Madonna.
Defying Court Orders
It seems that Rocco is defying a New York court’s orders by staying away. But his father’s attorney responded to the order, saying that Rocco was adamant about not joining his mother.
Madonna is claiming concern with her son’s education. Rocco attends high school in New York and she is going to do what she can to get him back in the classroom. But US Weekly also reported that the Material Girl is a devoted mother who keeps her kids very close at all times.
Rocco visits Richie based on a custody arrangement made 8 years ago. His extended stay with his father is reportedly a violation of that agreement, extending beyond the arranged period allowed for visitations.
Custody Troubles
Custody troubles are one thing regular folks have in common with celebrities. Whether your ex is out of the country, like Guy Ritchie, or out of the state, distance can make custody more complicated.
But even parents who split up and stay close to home find themselves in custody woes. As strange as it may sound, treat yourself like a celebrity. Get an attorney to help.
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