2 law firms add dozens of lawyers through mergers with smaller firms
ABA Journal Daily News
As first-year enrollment gets slightly smaller, law schools have more non-JD students
ABA Journal Daily News
Higher pass rate but smaller pool for New York’s online bar exam
ABA Journal Daily News
First-year class sizes for ABA-accredited law schools are slightly smaller in 2019
ABA Journal Daily News
D-FW seeing fewer home flips, smaller profits
The number of D-FW home flips fell by more than 30 percent in the second quarter and average profits fell, according to a new study by Attom Data Solutions. That jibes with a new nationwide report that says home flipping returns were at almost a 4-year low in the second quarter. Foreclosure News
Smaller Subprime Auto Lenders Are Starting to Fold an hour ago
Growing numbers of small subprime auto lenders are closing or shutting down after loan losses and slim margins spur banks and private equity owners to cut off funding. Summit Financial Corp., a Plantation, Florida-based subprime car finance company, filed for bankruptcy late last month after lenders including Bank of America Corp. said it had misreported…
Saul Ewing and Arnstein & Lehr confirm merger talks; must smaller firms ‘grow or die’?
ABA Journal Daily News
Smaller could be the future for over-50 builders – Sun, 08 Jan 2017 PST
While a majority of homebuyers age 55 and over is seeking homes about the same size as their present home, builders catering to the age group can no longer afford to ignore the cash-strapped population demanding a smaller alternative to the 2,400-square-foot new home. “We had a recent request for a new home half that…
Legal sector loses 1,400 jobs in January; gain in December is smaller than first reported
The legal services sector lost 1,400 jobs in January, according to seasonally adjusted data from the U.S. Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics. The… ABA Journal Daily News