They walked down the red carpet together hand in hand, glowing, glamorous, and gorgeous. But just watch, there will be a few celebrity divorces filed soon, now that the Oscars are over, or so says attorney to the stars Laura Wasser, according to US Magazine.

Wasser has handled many famous ladies’ divorces — three Kardashians, Angelina Jolie, Britney Spears, and Maria Shriver — and she told Bloomberg Businessweek that she expects to file a bunch more divorces in March. She says that after walking the red carpet clutching each other lovingly, many couples will be ready to kiss goodbye for good.

Star Divorce

Wasser says that business is booming and she gave away some of her trade secrets. The way she manages to deflect attention from the filing of one famous couple is to file multiple big celebrity divorces at once. This dilutes the power of any one divorce’s announcement.

Although Wasser is very popular with the rich and famous, she apparently has some perspective on their lives. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, she joked that she had to remind a wealthy client who complains about having to care for her kids on the weekend, which requires work, “Also, you have no job.”

The rich and famous get riled up about little things, according to Wasser. One client wanted to seek full custody of her child when she discovered that dad gave their vegan child a meaty hamburger. I’m sorry, but no judge is going to take away custody because you gave the kid In-N-Out,” Wasser said (referring to a California fast food burger chain).

Who Will Split?

Wasser is chatty and charming but she is no fool. She did not reveal any client secrets, or dish on who is going to split exactly. Instead, she hinted that there will be some interesting splits coming soon.

She is currently working on 45 cases, many of them divorce-related. “I’ll tell my clients, ‘I have someone else, I can’t say who, but you should really wait and file at the same time.” Wasser is considered responsible for several closely-timed celebrity splits last summer. But, Wasser insists in Bloomberg, she is not opposed to love or marriage. “I don’t want you to think I’m anti-love, because I’m not,” she explained. “I know plenty of people with wonderful, lifelong marriages.”

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